Echo MasterClass Plus
Combine the Echo MasterClass with our revolutionary AI SonoAssistant!
With the Echo MasterClass Plus subscription, get access to not only the Echo MasterClass 2024, but also our new AI SonoAssistant, and revolutionise your learning! The Echo MasterClass provides you with 36.5 CME credits immediately, but will provide you with up to 39 CME credits with the last soon-to-be updated chapters. Our AI SonoAssistant is fully CME certified, giving you even more opportunities to get CME credits! Our interactive tool will provide you with answers to any of your echocardiography questions with an immersive multimedia learning experience. Bring your learning to the next level with the Echo MasterClass Plus!
Included in the Echo MasterClass Plus
Distilling echo knowledge to the essence
CME credits for microlearning
Your digital mentor
Ask our AI SonoAssistant any echo questions and receive an answer including text, video teaching point, ultrasound loop or illustrations. It is checked by medical experts, has a huge image library of over 1000 loops, recent guidelines and more. Another huge benefit of AI SonoAssistant is the possibility to get CME credits.
Start your individual learning journey now!